All Donations will go directly to Young Lives vs Cancer. We have set up a Team Sheb page on Just Giving. You can add your individual page to the team page and direct your donors to your page.
Setting up your individual page is quite simple. Honestly, we've tried it and it is.
Team Sheb PageWe would love you to invite, demand, stroke, bludgeon (or any other way you can dream-up) your contacts, friends, relatives, to part with a bit of their hard-earned cash.
Because you never know.... because you just never know who it might benefit.
To pledge some money, whatever you feel comfortable with, please choose your Walker then complete the form below and press Submit Pledge.
After the walk, you will be asked to pay your pledge to Young Lives vs Cancer through their website. We will send you an email that tells you how to do this after the walk.
Gift Aid is a tax relief allowing UK charities to reclaim an extra 25% in tax on every eligible donation made by a UK taxpayer.
When you donate, you’ll be asked to confirm whether or not you are a UK taxpayer. Please note that Gift Aid can only be reclaimed on donations made by individuals who pay UK income or capital gains tax at a rate at least equal to the amount reclaimed on their donations in the current tax year.